I had to add this
Published on April 17, 2005 By Weaksid In WinCustomize Talk
I thought that I would add a section on "What are you watching now?". JAFO started one with music.

I know I can't be the only one that watches TV while surfing the web.

Currently watching "Creature" on the SciFi channel till Revelations comes on. Nothing else is really on.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 17, 2005


Jafo watches the screen while 'surfing'....call me weird...

on Apr 17, 2005
Desparate Housewives. Never got over my "Lois & Clark" crush on Terri Hatcher
on Apr 17, 2005
I had to look up "Desperate Housewives" to see what it was. I found out why I haven't heard about it, I don't watch the lower channels anymore (3-45)
on Apr 17, 2005
Was watching "Reefer Madness the Musical" - got it stopped for now, will go back.
on Apr 17, 2005
on Apr 17, 2005
"Terri, wake up. tjesterb has a crush on you."

Just kidding folks. I dropped her when Nicole was made available.
on Apr 17, 2005
Life in the ER or some senseless drivel along those lines. Naa, I find them kinda educational but I think i'm gonna switch back over to Cartoon Network. Teen Titans is on, then something or another, then Adult Swim
on Apr 17, 2005
then Adult Swim

Is that an activity or a TV show on an adult channel.
on Apr 17, 2005
It's the type of cartoons on the cartoon network

It's made for adults (doesn't have nudity) but has everything else
on Apr 17, 2005
(doesn't have nudity) but has everything else

Smoking, drinking, gambling, swearing,... like that?


Work, work, work, coffee, ice cream, work work work, ...like that?
on Apr 17, 2005
The kids and the wife. The wife is better tonight. The kids are reruns.
on Apr 17, 2005
What is adultswim? -> http://www.adultswim.com/gen/faq/index.html
on Apr 17, 2005
Now I'm watching Revelations on SciFi. On till 12p EST
on Apr 17, 2005
mmmmmmmmmmm... Simpsons..
Doh! Stoopid wi-fi
on Apr 17, 2005
Oh. I didn'e know Inuyasha was on adult swim. Great show.
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